Thursday, 18 September 2008

Cough Sneeze

I'm not up to much at the moment due to a large dose of the lurgy.

Anyway Push and me are going to get another splendid podcast together in the next few days.

If I'm feeling miserable so should everyone else. So here's what I think is quite the worst 45rpm 7incher of the whole punk/new wave era.

Take it away Rikki And The Last Days Of The Earth.........

Please for gods sake take it away!


Mondo said...

In Shameless piece of self promotion why not come on over and fill your bovver boots with Barry Cain Q and A about his punktastic book 77 Sulphate Strip book, a year with the Pistols, The Damned, The Stranglers The Heatbreakers and more all right here... It'll take your mind off your sniffles

ps - it was one of your podcasts that inspired me to buy it

Axe Victim said...

'Ave you not bin well luv?

Piley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Heff said...

MagicShip must be on tour....

Axe Victim said...

Cough, sneeze, err yawn? When's the next podcast? All that money on expensive equipment...

Piley said...

time fer a new post Ad....


Anonymous said...

I can imagine MagicShip playing this - but without the keyboards.

Heff said...

Being a pillar of the community must take its spoils over blogging.

Axe Victim said...

Hey up Ad, I fancy making a Podcast. Shall we do one together?

Heff said...

Hey, Dude - blog me your email addy again. Weren't you gonna mail me some shit a while back ?!

Piley said...

two months mate???!! Get writin'!