Sunday, 6 July 2008

Episode 2

Pour yourself three and a half fingers of Jamiesons, spark up a slim panatella and get ready for some 45rpm MP3 gems extracted from my British Leyland built hearing aid beige coloured hard drive.
Episode 2 features the talents of that famous music journalist, author of 'Rat Scabies and the Holy Grail' and fellow Brentford fan (hence him being slightly unhinged) Push (Chris Dawes).
Push adds his vast musical knowledge and experience to the show. This mainly equates to helping me fumble the (wrong sort for a podcast) microphone, falling off a chair, deriding some of my selections and that kinda stuff.
Push will be playlisting episode 3 when he's finally managed to get his selection down from 180 tracks to a more manageable 8 or 9 or so. 
I will be getting my own back.

1. For Adolfs Only - The Valves

2. Read About Seymour - Swell Maps

3. Friday On My Mind - London

4. GLC - The Members

5. Where Were You? - The Mekons

6. Urbane Gorilla - The Satellites

7. Radio Wunderbar - The Carpettes

8. Don't Care - Klark Kent

9. Ambition - Subway Sec

Keep those requests (OK request) coming in kids.


Joanne Casey said...

Another very entertaining selection. At first glance I didn't think I recognised any of them, but on hearing, I knew quite a few. I think you may be the new John Peel!

I would like to throw a request into the hat...I might have to email you this one...KC & the Moonshine band - Which side. It's off "We won't be your fucking poor" compilation LP.

rockmother said...

That was bloody brilliant - fantastiche! More more more. We want more. I was digging around my vinyl and found an old Punk and Disorderly album recently - I've just uploaded it to mp3. I may have a few choice gems on my next podcast....when I get round to it. See you soon.

Mondo said...

Hurrah - I've download it, but probably best not to blast it in the office though.

Ps you can download my new selection of 80's/New Wave winners and obscurities right here.

Istvanski said...

Most enjoyable, and the co-presentation between the two of youse works well.
Any chance of some Chaos UK for the next one?

planet mondo said...

Top stuff I played it on the bus to work, and was so fired and inspired by this punkcast went straight out and bought 'There'll Always Be An England' DVD.

UK Subs have to be the kings of coloured vinyl (including clear for 'Brand New Age', and snot green for Charlie Harper's solo single) - did you have Plasmatics 'Monkey Suit' in yellow with blood stains.

Got a couple more requrests lined up - but how about a punkettes only 'All Girl Action' special ?
(I think 'Lou' by Adam and The Ants has Jordan from Sex/Seditionaries on vox)

Until the next time - may your pod go with you.

Anonymous said...

Hang on a minute, it's still got that bit where I'm saying "You're gonna edit this bit out, right?"...

Axe Victim said...

Very good show boys, very good indeed. I hated the music but there's nothing new in that. The presentation however, was sublime. Mind you, was there the merest hint of a melody in that Mekons song (which I liked a lot actually). Alle' les Bleus!

Axe Victim said...

PS I'd like to request the opening chords of Pretty Vacant but kindly fade it out once the singing starts.

Piley said...

This is top notch stuff Ad. Wacked it on the ol Pod, and by the miracles of science (some mad contraption that you plug in ys pod and you car cd player) was able to play it on a car journey we had today - made sure i didn't fall asleep at the wheel!

Look forward to more of this


rockmother said...

Axe Minster - you are shocking! What do you meaaaaan fade it outt before the singing starts???!!! I'll 'ave you Blakey!